Thursday, March 22, 2012


Well here I am again at work and my mind is else where. So many thoughts and emotions - unable to put them into words for the world to see. I have so much to say but the brain to hand thing doesn't seem to make the connection...or shall I say I never like the way the words flow on paper.

Been thinking a lot about my beliefs and what is on the other side of this mundane existence we call life. Is there really anything better over there or is our world the most beautiful thing we will know. I am beginning to think we are looking at this all all wrong. I think it is a privilege to be able to be here and I only hope I get to do it again and again. Our world is lovely. I wonder if I really have been here before and what level of thinking I reached then. I believe if we do come back we evolve more and more with each experience. I wonder if in the darkness of my mind since I do feel so deeply for the things of the past was I here before? Do I remember the feeling the connection with earth that seems impossible for humans now? Is that why I long for us to be there again?

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