Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Salamanders in Texas

This was written back at the end of the Summer this year.

This year we really got a glimpse of the fire spirits at work in Texas. Now that some of the heat has passed the water spirits are making a small appearance known in my area…more is needed of course in my area and in areas where there were so many grass fires.

With all the dry conditions there is still a beauty to be seen. When the heat began all the vegetation in my yard died. In fact I started calling my backyard the Sahara Desert. I watered my 3 oaks just so I would not lose them too. Then something wonderful happened about two weeks ago. I was sitting out front with my daughter sweating to death and a huge swarm of dragonflies came and started circling in my front yard. My neighbor commented, “Must be mosquitoes up there.” I didn’t listen to him. It was so strange they only did it in my front yard so I knew something special was happening. They circled for at least an hour while we sat there watching in amazement. They say the fire spirits take many forms – dragons, mythical fire creatures, dragonflies, snakes and other reptiles. As they left I felt a beauty and peace all around me. Then a few days’ later geckos were all over my windows at night, and then toads and snakes started showing up everywhere in my backyard.

Then it rained and it was a good rain that lasted about 2 hours one evening. It has cooled of tremendously now…still hot and no more rain since but the renewal in my yard is unreal. There is new grass popping up everywhere. It is so pretty and a fresh dark green unlike I have seen in a long time. So with all this said I have listed all the benefits below of the fire faeries / spirits. So when times are dry and hot I will remember that after the drought is renewal.

Benefits of the Fire Faeries – from “Enchantment of the Faerie Realm” by Ted Andrews

1. Enhances our passions – physically and spiritually

2. Agents of transmutation, transformation and regeneration

3. Stimulate greater understanding of the primal love of spirit and our own creative life force.

4. Assist in awakening, developing and controlling Kundalini (coiled) energy.

5. Assist in seeing that which needs to be torn down and helps recreate in our life.

6. Teaches physical and spiritual aspects of alchemy.

7. Stimulates creativity, courage, higher vision and idealism.

8. Prevents from dissipating our life force through self-indulgence and sensual excess.

9. Helps bring forth our own spiritual fire forth so that matter becomes obedient to our will. The force of our spiritual fire is the primal force of creative expression.

10. Helps recognize the laws of cause and effect.

11. Assists in developing great catalytic healing energy.

12. Teaches us the true significance, power and applications of sexual energy – physically and spiritually.

Blessed Be!

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